Body Fat Percentage Calculator
Body Fat: –
Lean Body Mass: –
BMI: –
Daily Calories: –
Body Fat Categories
Category | Male | Female |
Essential Fat | 2-5% | 10-13% |
Athletes | 6-13% | 14-20% |
Fitness | 14-17% | 21-24% |
Average | 18-24% | 25-31% |
Obese | 25%+ | 32%+ |
Using Navy Body Fat Formula
Fat percentage calculator input help
Use this body fat percentage calculator to determine your total body fat percentage. Body fat percentage is the amount of fat mass compared to your body weight.
Although some body fat is necessary for bodily functions, too much can negatively affect your health. This fat-in-body calculator is suitable for both males and females.
Our Body Fat Calculator uses the U.S. Navy Method, which requires the following measurements:
- Gender: Male or Female
- Age: Your age in years
- Height: Your height in centimetres
- Neck Circumference: Measured just below the larynx (Adam’s apple)
- Waist Circumference: Measured at the narrowest point of the waist for males and at the level of the navel for females
- Hip Circumference (for females): Measured at the widest point of the hips
Table for ideal body fat percentage
What should be the body fat percentage in women and men?
There are two types of body fat: essential fat and storage fat. Essential fat is necessary for normal physiological functions, such as hormone production and insulation. It is found in the organs, muscles, bone marrow, and central nervous system.
Storage fat, on the other hand, is the excess fat that accumulates under the skin and around the organs. This is the fat that can be reduced through diet and exercise.
Now that you have found body fat by percentage compare this with the table below. Choose your age and gender, and then you can learn that your body fat is in excess or less based on your age and physique. Below the table, you can find tips on burning fat around your hip and tummy.
Age | Women | Men |
20 | 17.7% | 8.5% |
25 | 18.4% | 10.5% |
30 | 19.3% | 12.7% |
35 | 21.5% | 13.7% |
40 | 22.2% | 15.3% |
45 | 22.9% | 16.4% |
50 | 25.2% | 18.9% |
55 | 26.3% | 20.9% |
Easy exercises to burn body fat
Knowing your body fat percentage helps you assess your overall health and identify any potential health risks associated with excess body fat. Secondly, it enables you to set realistic weight loss or muscle gain goals. Many people solely rely on the scale to track their progress, but weight alone does not provide an accurate picture of your body composition. For example, losing 5 pounds could be a combination of fat loss, muscle loss, and water weight. By measuring your body fat percentage, you can determine whether you are losing fat, gaining muscle, or simply losing water weight. Lastly, tracking your body fat percentage allows you to make adjustments to your fitness and nutrition plan. Here I am sharing videos to burn fat that accumulates at the most common locations of the body, i.e. belly and thigh including buttocks.
#1 Exercise for belly bulge
Follow these easy home exercises to burn fat around your tummy. The perfect way to reduce belly bulge.
#2 Easy hip fat reduction exe
Excess fat around the hip, and thigh makes our body look fluffy. We often go for aerobics and other exercises to get rid of it, and many of us may be planning fat removal surgery to get it rid of instantly. But we can treat this with some very simple hip fat reduction exercises.
Pingback: 6 Easy Hip Fat Reduction Exercise for Shaped Thigh - Physiosunit
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