How do you Loosen a Tight Shoulders? Follow these 8 Easy Exercises

How do you Loosen a Tight Shoulder 8 Easy Exercises

It’s not just painful to have tight shoulders, but it can also hinder daily activities. Simple tasks like combing hair or changing clothes can become painful and challenging. However, there are simple exercises that anyone can learn and perform at home to manage this problem. This article will discuss these exercises in detail so you can easily apply them to your daily routine.

कंधे अकड़ने के 8 असरदार exercises| 8 Easy Exercises for Stiff, Tense Shoulder

What causes tight shoulders?

The stiffness of the shoulder happens because of the tightening of the capsule within the joint or the muscles and tendons around it. It can also occur due to adhesions between the shoulder blade and upper arm bone or the shoulder blade and rib cage1.

Shoulder tightness can have various causes, such as sleeping in the wrong posture or having a job requiring long sitting hours. In clinical settings, individuals with upper limb injuries or fractures are advised to rest and immobilize the affected area for an extended period, which can lead to shoulder stiffness.

Frozen shoulders are the most common cause of shoulder stiffness, with three out of five cases occurring in women and two in men2. People with high blood sugar levels have a higher risk of developing this condition. However, there is no need to worry as there are exercises that can completely relieve this problem. If you are experiencing a lot of pain and have difficulty moving, start with simple exercises.

1) Finger walking exercise

finger walking exercise for stiff shoulder joint pain

Let’s start with the finger walking exercise. This is the simplest exercise and is recommended to start with if you have severe pain in your shoulder. So, here is the step-by-step process.

  1. Stand in front of a wall and start with the affected shoulder.
  2. Use two fingers to begin below the shoulder and gradually move up, as if your fingers are walking on the wall.
  3. If you experience pain and cannot move further, mark that spot and aim to go slightly higher the next day.
  4. Keep increasing the target until you can reach the top.

This exercise is simple yet highly effective, so start with it. Remember to move slowly and steadily, without any shakiness.

2) Shoulder elevation exercise for tight shoulders

Shoulder elevation tight shoulder exercises

The Shoulder Elevation Exercise is a simple yet important exercise you must include in your daily routine.

  1. To perform this exercise, clasp your hands and slowly lift them from below.
  2. Start from a low position and gradually lift higher every time.
  3. Though painful, aim to lift your hands as high as possible.
  4. There is no set count but perform at least 10-15 reps daily.
  5. Remember, consistency is key. So, include this exercise in your daily routine and see the results for yourself.

3) Shoulder pendulum exercise

pendulum exercise for tight shoulder pain relief

The Shoulder Pendulum Exercise is a simple but effective way to increase shoulder mobility. To perform this exercise:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and relax your arms by your side.
  2. Gently swing your affected arm back and forth as if it were a pendulum while keeping your body still.
  3. Gradually increase the range of motion until you can swing your arm in a full circle.
  4. There is no set count for this exercise, so do as much of it as possible.

You can add a variation once you get comfortable with the basic movement.

  1. To perform this exercise, you should stand facing a wall or table and bend forward slightly until your hand touches the surface.
  2. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. This position will allow you to work on your shoulder mobility from a different angle.
  3. Once in position, you can rotate your arm in clockwise and anti-clockwise directions to increase your mobility.
  4. Make sure to keep your elbow straight and your movements slow and controlled.

It is important to perform this exercise regularly to improve your shoulder mobility. If you experience pain or discomfort while exercising, stop immediately and consult your healthcare provider.

4) Shoulder external rotation

The Shoulder External Rotation Exercise is an effective exercise that targets the rotator cuff muscles in the shoulder. To perform this exercise:

  1. Start by standing up tall and clasping your hands together behind your head. Ensure your elbows point straight to the sides and your wrists align with your ears.
  2. Slowly rotate your arms outwards from this position and take it to a point where you will feel slight pain with stiffness on the affected shoulder.
  3. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then slowly bring your arms to the starting position with your elbow pointing forward.
  4. Repeat this movement for 10-15 reps per session, focusing on good form and control.
  5. This exercise may cause some discomfort but strive to bring your arms as far back as possible without causing pain.

5) Stretches for tight shoulders and upper back

stretches for tight shoulders and upper back

Alright, it’s time to focus on some stretching exercises. These exercises are crucial because when our muscles become stiff, it can lead to serious problems. So, if you’re experiencing pain in your shoulder, take action now.

  • Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Extend your left arm straight in front of your chest.
  • Use your right hand to gently pull your left arm towards your chest until you feel a stretch in your shoulder and upper back.
  • Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds.
  • Release and switch sides, extending your right arm in front of your chest and using your left hand to pull it towards your chest.
  • Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds.
  • Repeat the stretch on each side 2-3 times.

6) Anterior shoulder stretching exercise

  1. To perform this shoulder stretch, begin by standing next to a wall and placing your hand on it at shoulder height. Your fingers should be pointing towards the ceiling.
  2. Next, slowly rotate your body away from the wall until you feel a stretch in the front of your shoulder.
  3. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds, and then release. Repeat the stretch on the other side by switching arms and rotating your body in the opposite direction.
  4. As you progress, try to increase the duration and intensity of the stretch by moving your body farther away from the wall.

7) Wall corner stretch

stretches for tight shoulders and chest
  1. Stand in front of a corner of your house to perform this exercise.
  2. Place your arms on the wall, ensuring your elbow and shoulder are at a 90° angle. The distance between your hands should be about shoulder-width apart.
  3. Next, lean forward slowly, maintaining the 90° angle in your elbow and shoulder. You will feel a stretch in your chest and shoulders.
  4. Don’t be afraid to push yourself and increase the stretch over time, but be careful not to overdo it.
  5. Keep practising this exercise regularly, and you’ll notice a significant improvement in your flexibility.
  6. This exercise is particularly good for people who spend a lot of time sitting or hunched over a computer, as it helps to counteract the effects of poor posture.

8) Shoulder stretching using towel

tight shoulder stretch using towel

I’ll guide you through a highly effective stretching exercise that you can easily do at home. This exercise doesn’t require fancy equipment; you can use a towel or a bedsheet.

  1. To start, stand up straight and tall. Take your right hand behind your back and reach up towards the middle of your back.
  2. Bend your elbow and aim to reach as far up your back as possible.
  3. Next, take the towel or bedsheet and grip the lower end with your right hand and the upper end with your left hand. If you use a rubber band, loop it around your hands similarly.
  4. Finally, firmly pull the towel or rubber band up and towards your head. You should feel a good stretch in your triceps and shoulders.
  5. Hold the stretch for 10-15 seconds, then release and repeat on the other side.

Other effective home tips

To improve your physical fitness, it is crucial to perform regular exercises. One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways is using a Theraband, a rubber band-like fitness accessory. I have created a detailed article on shoulder exercises using Theraband, which I highly recommend you go through. You can also incorporate shoulder wand exercises using a stick or a wand. Give it a try and experience the benefits of regular exercise.

Do these exercises regularly, and your stiffness and pain will be slowly relieved. One tip is to apply an ice pack after exercise, which will reduce inflammation. Winter is coming, and if you’re doing this exercise in winter, apply a hot water bag instead of ice. It will be beneficial, and the stiffness will be slowly released.  

Keep Reading: How do I Stop My Shoulder from Hurting when I Sleep?

The author is a physiotherapist who has been practising for the last 17 years. He holds a Bachelor's in Physiotherapy (BPT) from SVNIRTAR (Swami Vivekananda National Institute of Rehabilitation and Research), one of the prestigious physiotherapy schools in India.

Whatever he learns dealing with his patient, he shares it with the world through blogs and e-books. He also owns a YouTube channel, "Sunit Physiotherapist" with over 8 lakh active subscribers. Here, he shares everything he gets to learn serving the patient.

1↑ Goldberg, B. A., Scarlat, M. M., & Harryman, D. T. (1999). Management of the stiff shoulder**Presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Japan Association of Orthopaedics and Traumatology in Akita on September 4, 1998. Journal of Orthopaedic Science, 4(6), 462–471. doi:10.1007/s007760050131 Visit
2↑ Inayat F, Ali N, Shahid H, et al. (August 06, 2017) Prevalence and Determinants of Frozen Shoulder in Patients with Diabetes: A Single Center Experience from Pakistan. Cureus 9(8): e1544. doi:10.7759/cureus.1544 Visit

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